CSS3 Compare Pricing Tables for WordPress

CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress is a pack of pure CSS3 Web Pricing Tables with 2 table styles and 20 predefined color versions that comes loaded with tons of options like extensive admin panel with live configuration, responsive mode configurator, plenty of options for table, columns, rows and table cells, sliding columns feature, expandable rows feature, active (popped-up) columns, hover states, table cell tooltips, columns ribbons, tick / cross icons and a lot of more.

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CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress is a pack of pure CSS3 Web Pricing Tables with 2 table styles and 20 predefined color versions that comes loaded with tons of options like extensive admin panel with live configuration, responsive mode configurator, plenty of options for table, columns, rows and table cells, sliding columns feature, expandable rows feature, active (popped-up) columns, hover states, table cell tooltips, columns ribbons, tick / cross icons and a lot of more.



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